Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Friday, November 21, 2014

Bathroom injury

 The door hit her on the way out

By David Baker
Posted Nov. 21, 2014
132 words

Injuries in hospitals are common. But sometimes it’s nothing to do with medical care.

Amy Dibello claims she received serious injuries while she was in Albany Medical Center.

It happened, according to her lawsuit against the hospital, when a door fell on her.

“On or about January 16, 2013, while the plaintiff was an invited patron at the defendant’s aforesaid hospital, she was caused to incur serious personal injuries when a bathroom door in Room M512 suddenly and without warning came off its hinges and fell on plaintiff.”

The suit says Dibello’s claim for damages include “…exacerbation of cervical, thoracic and lumber back injuries, loss of use and motion, loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering and medical expenses.”

The claim was filed in January in state Supreme Court, Rensselaer County. Dibello’s attorney is Paul Dwyer of Loudonville.