Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rememberance Day

It was 11 years ago this week – in the early hours of  Nov. 11, 2003 – that Lisa Zenzen Baker was found in her bed at Samaritan Hospital in Troy, N.Y. with a weal pulse or respiration. An entry in her chart said her blood glucose reading was at just 2 mg/dl.

With frantic CPR, her heart and breathing were restarted. But the damage was done. After three weeks on life support, she died.

A few months, later I started this blog.  In 2008, it became the only place where details of lawsuits alleging medical harm filed against Capital District medical providers were published.

The publication of that information has continued right up to this week and will go on indefinitely – or until the newspapers stop shielding their advertisers and begin disseminating this public-interest information.

But with the publisher of the area’s largest newspaper sitting on the governing board of the area’s largest medical company, that seem very unlikely to happen. Nor is going to be any real effort to stop the terrible toll of deaths and injuries at the hands of people whose creed is: First, do no harm.


Below is a link to my account of Lisa’s last three weeks.  Written from notes made at the time, it first appeared here in 2008. Now it is on my related web page, Capital District Health Claims.

The link is HERE:
