Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lawyer avoids plaintiff

Legal papers prompt an
“I won’t talk to him” response

By David Baker
Posted Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An attorney representing a doctor named in the lawsuit over Lisa’s death has told a judge he wants the proceeding delayed but that he doesn't want to talk to me about it..

In a letter to the court dated Feb. 15, Peter M. Scolameiro writes: “I would have contacted Mr. Baker directly but as he is pro se (self-represented) I wish to seek Court involvement.”

Scolamiero says he needs a lot more time to respond to the motion.

The legal document served on February 11 asks the court to rule that the defendants in the case are responsible for Lisa’s injuries and death.

Scolamiero represents the estate of Murat Acemoglu, M.D. Dr. Acemuglo was Lisa’s attending physician while she was in Samaritan Hospital in 2003

Scolamiero, with the Albany law firm Burke, Scolameiro, Mortati & Hurd, says he wants the time he has to file a response extended from two weeks to five weeks. This, he says, is so he can obtain an expert to oppose the motion.

The case started almost three years ago, in March 2005.

Meanwhile, the lawyers representing Samaritan Hospital and its nurses have apparently missed the deadline by which they are required to provide me their answer to the motion. Their response is required to be served on me at least seven days before the return date of the motion, which is Monday, February 25.

As of today, no formal response or any other communication has been received from them.
