Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Friday, November 11, 2005

Judge to rule soon

Decision due on dismiss motion

By David Baker
Posted Thursday, November 22, 2007

A judge is due to rule by the end of the month on Steve Coffey’s attempt to throw out my lawsuit alleging that he tried to destroy my case against Samaritan Hospital.

The return date on the motion to dismiss was October 4. The judge has up to 60 days to grant all or part of the motion, deny it, or – as I have asked – postpone a decision until some discovery has taken place.

At the time the motion was filed, no depositions had been taken. While such a motion can be filed at any time, it is very unusual for one to the granted before at least some information has been put on the record.

If the motion is granted it can be appealed, as can any decision that would completely a lawsuit.