Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Friday, November 11, 2005

Attorney called on libel claim

Retraction and apology

By David Baker
Posted June 29, 2007

In two posting on this page, it was stated that Kathleen Ryan, an attorney representing Samaritan Hospital, Northeast Health Inc. and four nurses named in the lawsuit filed on behalf of Lisa’s estate was formerly Kathleen Dix, and that she was a friend of Lisa’s while at Keveny Academy in Cohoes.

In a letter received today an associate of Ms. Ryan states the following:

"Mr. Baker, Kathleen Ryan, the attorney representing Samaritan Hospital in this case is not Kathy Dix. She did not attend Keveny Academy. She was not ever married in Cohoes. More importantly, she is not an attorney who would ignore a conflict of interest by accepting representing as you have described."

In view of this information, I now retract in full the false statements made about Ms. Ryan on this blog and offer an unreserved apology for any embarrassment and damge to Ms. Ryan’s professional reputation they have caused.


Coming soon: a real source for lawsuit info

As has been pointed out on this page, for more than a decade newspapers in the Capital Region have routinely ignored medical malpractice lawsuits filed against the area’s medical providers.
Now there are plans for a Web page that will provide information on these lawsuits. In addition to a summary of the allegations in each suit, the page will later also allow the entire complaint and other public documents to be viewed in PDF format.

Thanks to two bad lawyers, the odds in my case are now overwhelming aganst me. But that doen't mean that Lisa's horrific, senseless and totally preventable death won't lead to something that will force these hospitals into taking steps to prevent it from happening again.

An Internet domain name has been secured and the page is under construction. Check back here later in the summer for more details.