Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Thursday, September 01, 2011

Settled - maybe

Yvette Dall: an update

A story on this page dated July 29 said that a wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the Eddy Heritage House nursing home on behalf of Yvette Dall had been settled, suggesting that a payment had been made.

That may or may not be the case.

As the story indicated, an entry on the court’s Web site about a Jan. 21, 2011 hearing says “Disposed. Post: Settled before trial.”

A subsequent examination of the paper file at the Rensselaer County clerk’s office confirms that the case was discontinued. Documents indicating a discontinuance are sometimes filed when a case is settled, but in this instance there is nothing in the file to show that there was a settlement of the claim.

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