Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The question remains...


And why have so many people been
trying for so long to hide medical errors?

These are the questions first asked here soon after the evening of November 11, 2003 when Lisa Zenzen, a 42-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic, went into a coma while a patient at Samaritan Hospital In Troy, New York. So far, no one has provided a credible explanation for why Lisa’s blood glucose level dropped 114 points in less than three hours, causing catastrophic damage to her brain and other organs that left her unable to survive without life support.

Lisa died three weeks later, on December 2, 2003.
Nine months later this weblog was created and since then, in more then 150 items, the page has described a decade-long alliance between the Capital Region medical community, the state government, some lawyers and, most disturbingly, the media, to keep the enormous financial and emotional toll of medical errors from public view.

This multi-faceted story has been told piece by piece over the past five years, creating a picture that has become very difficult for a new visitor to grasp. Therefore, the page has been reorganized. A page guide has been added containing links to stories on the main topics, together with a brief description of the issue.

It is hoped that this will make the information on the page more accessible to both long-time readers, and to people visiting here for the first time.

First though, the page continues below with one of the most significant stories of not just this year but of the entire saga: The discovery that six months after Lisa's horrific and totally preventable death, another patient with diabetes died in the same hospital under shockingly similar circumstances.

Site guide