Lisa Zenzen Baker, 1961-2003


Friday, November 11, 2005

New book planned

Forthcoming book will 
describe Lisa's legal claim

By David Baker

Soon after I turned to the legal system to find out why Lisa died while in the care of a hospital, I knew that at some point I would write a book. 

Most people have little idea of what happens after someone is killed or injured by alledged negligence and a claim is filed against a hospital or nursing home. Medical facilities, particularly hospitals, spend a lot of money creating a public image of being competent and caring. Because the media largely ignores allegations of media malpractice - while accepting a steady stream of advertising money from medical facilities - the public is unaware of the staggering toll of preventable deaths and injuries that occur in our medical system.

And most people have no idea how the medical, legal and media corporations actually benefit from the current situation, even as between 150 and 250 people die each day as a result of medical errors, while too little is being done to end the enormous financial and emotional toll.

The book - tentatively entitled “Answers For Lisa: One Man’s Eye-Opening Encounter With America’s Medical Malpractice Legal System” - will be published as soon as the lawsuits now pending over Lisa's are over. Based in in part on items already posted on this page, it will describe the whole process: the search for an attorney; the process known as 'discovery'; and to what happens in a deposition, when lawyers for hospitals and doctors often attempt to minimize their clients’ liability by trashing the dead person’s life in a public record.

It is estimated that between 120 and 268 people die each day in the U.S. as a result of a medical error. This book will be the detailed story of one person's battle to find out if Lisa was one of them.


Coming Soon.. a new Web page for Lisa As mentioned here last month, this blog will soon move to a full Web page. The domain name has already been acquired and the new page should be up in about a month. Check back here soon for a launch date.